Things To Do in Egypt
Saving a fascinating history that dawn all the way to the civilization of the world makes Egypt the best and oldest destination on earth to travel. This is a cradle of majestic temples and pyramids that has always captured the imagination of travelers for thousands of years. This is a land that is endowed with ancient monuments and natural attractions that do beckon travelers. Having vast tracts of desert land makes this place a destination, a place for you to tour. Having the superb scuba diving at the famed Nile and vast tracts of land create something for everyone.
Egypt’s ancient civilization has left a mark on mankind’s imagination as fertile and invigorating as the Nile Valley’s path through the desert.

The earth’s warm-up after the ice Age had covered the land with tropical rainforest, but this dried out into the Sahara’s arid wasteland, leaving only a few pockets of greenery at the oases and along the banks of the Nile river .it was there that stone Age hunters and fisherman settled to grow crops and rear cattle from about 3000 B.C.
Their rulers, the pharaohs , untied north (lower)and south (upper) Egypt into one country with its capital moving from Memphis (just south of modern Cairo) to Thebes (Luxor).
Egypt became the dome inant power in the eastern me diterranean for the next 1,500 years. Rich farmland and the trea sures of its craftsmen attracted invaders from Palestine, Libya and Persia. The Greeks and Romans followed and then a long succession of Byzantines, Arabs, Turks, British and French until independence was achieved in the 20th century .The conquerors come and go and the pyramids still stand.
Hieroplyphics and Pyramids.
In 3000 Bc , the Egyptians devel oped the art of writing, borrowed from trading partners in Meso potamia (modern Iraq), into their own system of hieroglyphics. This combination of pictorial and phonetic symbols served not only to record prayers, hymns and other religious texts, but also to draw up inventory for the grain harvests and accounts for busi ness. The top scribe was the pha raohs’ right-hand man .He come bined his writing talents with those of high priest, doctor, astronomer, mathematician and architect. The most famous of them was Imhotep, who designed the first pyramid as a mausoleum for king Djoser at Saqqara, around 2680 Bc . This stepped structure was followed by king kheops’ sheer-faced Great pyramid at nearby Giza. It faithfully reflect ed the pyramidal political system in which the divine pharaoh was the pinnacle and the people who built it formed the base .

Historical Attractions.
The Historical attractions of Egypt tell the story of Egypt as a home of the most iconic civilization of the ancient world and ancient Egypt. There are great wonders ranging from the Pyramids of Giza to the Valley of the Kings that wows most of the travelers around the world to this place. When you want to learn the past of Egypt, then the prehistorical sites such as the Roman amphitheaters, Greek Ports, and the World War II Battle tells more about Egypt. Here are some of the Historic Attraction that wows travelling to Egypt.
Ancient Temples.
The Egyptian Society took the religion as the epicenter of their day to day lives. The temples were always the place where people used to bring their offering to the gods, and it also used to house the various festivals that were during the year. The tremendous social and political power that was possed by the temples makes the temples critical in the Egyptian society. From the prehistoric times to date the temples have become pivotal tourist attraction centers in Egypt. The ancient Egyptian Temples are classified into.
Egyptian Pyramids.
Egypt was once regarded as the wealthiest and most influential civilizations in the world, and this was the time in which these Pyramids were built. One of the most famous Pyramids in Egypt are Great Pyramids of Giza. Pyramids reflect the unique role that the Pharaohs and the Kings played in the ancient society of Egypt. The monuments are tombs where the Pharaohs and their wives were buried. The tombs that were carved in the rock and covered with a flat-roofed rectangular building are known as the ‘Mastabas.’
The oldest Pyramid in Egypt is at Saqqara known as step Pyramid and it was built by King Zoser around 2630 B.C. The most celebrated Pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza that is located at the west bank of River Nile few kilometers from the modern day Cairo. This is the only surviving structure is existing from seven wonders of the ancient world.
Museums in Egypt.
The museums in Egypt provide an intimate knowledge of the country, thus providing an ultimate adventure in Egypt. The Egyptian Museum houses mummified remains of Pharaohs, Chronological timeline of the history of the Egyptians and artifacts that are dated over 5000 years of history. We do have great and world state of the art museums such as the Egyptian Museum that has excellent collections. Thus it’s regarded as the treasure trove of the Pharaonic world. The Other Museums in Egypt include; Luxor Museum in Luxor, Nubian Museum in Aswan, National Museum in Alexandria and Library of Alexandria Museum.

The Cults Temples.
A place that was dedicated to the gods for worship purposes and where priests used to perform rituals and ceremonies as they give offerings. The temples include; Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple.
Mortuary Temples
The mortuary temples in Egypt were a place where pharaoh’s funerary cults were performed to offer food, oils, fruits, clothes and more for the Pharaohs, who departed, they include; the Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple, the Ramesseum, and Medinet Habu.
Ancient Churches
The ancient churches are a part of the diverse, vibrant and significant history in Egypt. The Egyptian history has been shaped a lot by Christianity and this seen in the Bible Stories about the Israelites and the Egyptians Turmoils. For you to learn about the Coptic History of Egypt, then touring the following ancient churches will provide you with the knowledge that you do require;
The Hanging Church
The official name of the hanging church is Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church. The Church is built on top of an old Babylon Fortress and has a nave suspended above the passage. This is what makes the church unique and give it its unusual name.
The Cave Church
Saint Marys Church in Maadi is one of the greatest tourist attraction features that is dated back in the 19th century.
Cultural Attraction
The Egypt Cultural tourism has traversed the economic value of Egypt. Egypt has vibrant cultural tourism that rose alongside the Egyptology.